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Makeover a Thrift Store Basket

Hello friends and happy Thursday! How are you all holding up amid this crazy election? I've been chatting with a few of you over on Instagram and I know so many of you are on pins and needles awaiting the results. Well I'm here for you if you need an "emotional supportive Canadian" I will take you away from the craziness and distract you with a cute DIY, mmmmkay??!

Alright so lets get to it, I'm here to talk today about the easiest and cutest DIY I just did using an old basket I had. I've been lucky enough in my thrifting days to score many donated baskets of various sizes and unique shapes, all for the price tag of just a couple bucks each. Whenever I see one I snag it, especially if it's in good shape and can be used somewhere. Today I was watching some tv with the dogs and was looking at one of my new round baskets I had on my coffee table and thought to myself that maybe I could give it a makeover and make it go a bit better with the rest of my decor. So about an hour later with a bit of spray paint and some hot glue it looked completely different and I absolutely think it's just the cutest thing and couldn't wait to share it with you guys! So let's get to it!

So first lemme show you guys what my basket tray looked like before hand. I bought it because it was in great shape, it was only $3 and was the perfect size I had been looking for to add to my round small coffee table in my living room.

Seriously baskets of this size go for $40 at retail stores, so I couldn't wait to get it home! I didn't love the colour of it, but since I had ohhh maybe just a few cans of spray paint kicken around, I knew it would be an easy fix with some paint.

First thing I did was give it a quick wipe down and dust, then brought it into the garage. I laid out some old plastic drop cloth and gave it a couple good coats of spray paint. Here's the spray paint I used on the tray. I waited about 10 minutes between coats and used about 3 coats of this spray paint.

After the spray paint was touch dry I decided to paint the handles on this basket to make them stand out a bit more. You could paint your handles too to give your old basket a new more custom look. I am always amazed at how much the colour black can instantly make something look more expensive or high end, and just painting that touch of black on the handles made such a difference. All I used for black paint was just some craft black paint I had, but any old paint will do!

While it was all drying I decided to stain some beads I had on hand. I recently was at Michaels and saw they had buy one get one free on all of their Christmas stuff, so I came across beaded garland and got 2 9 foot strands for $13.

Using the lighter beads, I thought it would look so pretty to take them and use them on the upper edge of the basket, creating a pretty beaded detailed edge to the tray. I wanted them to stand out against the white basket, so all I did was dunk them in a can of Minwax stain to give the beads a fully coated deeper colour.

The beads drip dried and the stain set so nicely into the wood. I loved how easy this was to do. I basically dunked the beads into the can, let them sit in there for about 30 seconds and pulled them out to dry. Once these beads dried I got my hot glue gun ready to attach them to the rim of the tray.

I used two long strands for the 2 large sides of the tray and for underneath of the handles I made 2 small strands. I wanted to keep them attached to the original string they came with so they were reinforced and wouldn't pop off individually.

Once I finished gluing them on I was in love!! So easy and so stinken cute!! Just look how adorable this basket tray is now with a simple makeover....

I think this now looks like something from Magnolia Home or Target, wouldn't you agree??! I just love it looks now and I couldn't wait to style it up for you guys to see how pretty it looks with a few accessories.

So don't donate an old basket if you don't like the colour! Almost anything can be spray painted...spray paint will pretty much stick to anything! You can make something old look something brand new again with paint. I say it all the time and I will never stop saying's amazing what a bit of paint can do.

Well that's it guys! Now you can go back to your regular scheduled programming, aka the election results! Hopefully you liked this easy little makeover of my $3 thrift store basket.

Enjoy the rest of your day!



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